Maggie Jamieson Psychotherapy in Holborn, Central London

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Need space to talk...?

Home. webpage 511Are you...
. . . suffering from anxiety or depression?

. . . struggling with a bereavement?

. . . finding it hard adjusting to a life change (retirement, illness, divorce..)?

. . . having difficulties in a relationship or with family?


Perhaps there's no time to stop.., take a breath..., look around..., reflect on or absorb what's going on in your life...


No space to pause...., gather yourself together in one place... and begin to make sense of things...


Maybe you've been soldiering on while, underneath, feeling unhappy or anxious, unsure what to do or who to turn to. Talking with friends or family is often useful and might be all that's needed most of the time. However, sometimes that may not be easy. This is when meeting with a professional psychotherapist or counsellor - someone from outside your family and social group - can help by bringing a fresh perspective and insight to whatever is troubling you; whether something recent has been upsetting or you've been unhappy for a long time.


I'm a UKCP Registered Integrative psychotherapist and graduate member of the British Psychological Society (mBPS) with over 15 years experience - see About Me.


Home. UKCP COMB2015I offer a dedicated time and space where you can talk in confidence, will be listened to without judgment and taken seriously. 
Encouraging you to slow down and reflect on the path of your life thus far, you gain a bigger perspective on who you are now; it also reveals how influences from your past may underpin unhelpful repetitive behaviour patterns in your life now. This opens the possibility to change course. Psychotherapy helps you focus and understand yourself and current difficulties with more clarity and depth. It supports you to become more self aware, find your own solutions and re-gain equilibrium.

I think we all have far more inner resources than we realise and that the experience of feeling listened to and understood helps us tap into those hidden strengths, enabling us to find our best way forward.

'Be yourself, everyone else is already taken'  Oscar Wilde

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My Approach

We're all unique and shaped by our particular life history so I tailor my work in response to each individual and their needs. Providing a safe ground for you to stand on I offer both support and challenge:

  • I'll encourage you to approach yourself with curiosity and compassion (not self criticism) and to reflect on your life story in relation to whatever is troubling you now.
  • Draw your attention to the different ways you experience and make sense of your life – physical, emotional, cognitive, psychological, spiritual. This can reveal aspects of your self you may have overlooked or been unaware of. Greater self awareness builds confidence.
  • Share my reflections and thoughts to offer a fresh perspective.
  • Suggest strategies to use in daily life to support you (e.g. to help reduce anxiety). I also bring  mindfulness techniques into my work.


Over the last 15 years I've worked with people bringing a wide range of concerns, including:
anxiety, panic attacks, depression, bereavement & loss, family & relationship difficulties, low self-esteem, infertility and IVF, unresolved issues from the past, trauma, identity issues, work-related problems and pressures, life transitions (e.g. ageing, retirement), long term illness or life changing injuries, carers, student concerns (e.g. exam stress & worry), eating disorders, sexuality, isolation and loneliness, suicidal thinking.
I'm also experienced in working long-term with trainee psychotherapists, counselling psychologists and counsellors from training institutions across London.

Bereavement Counsellor

I worked as an NHS Hospice bereavement counsellor for over 5 years and am very experienced in this kind of counselling. I received extra training at the hospice and am particularly skilled and attuned to working with bereavement and grief. This includes traumatic losses such as sudden deaths, accidents, suicide, the death of a child. Please visit Bereavement Counselling for more information.

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Psychotherapy & Counselling in Holborn and online

I offer sessions online (Zoom) and face to face. My base in Holborn is close by Russell Square and Covent Garden, it's also easily reached by public transport from most areas of London
You can find me listed on the following professionally accredited websites:
UKCP Register - Maggie Jamieson
Counselling Directory
Society for Existential Analysis

Psychology Today

Psychotherapy and Counselling in Central London WC1

UKCP Registered Psychotherapist in Holborn, Central London WC1


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